Nationwide Non-Renewals: What You Should Know

Nationwide recently announced that they will be issuing notices letting homeowners know they will not be renewing their insurance policy. Due to the frequency and severity of climate and weather-related losses, Nationwide and other insurance carriers have experienced increased pressure to rebalance their portfolios to ensure they have money in reserves to pay claims. To […]

Image of a man on a personal watercraft. The man has a fair complexion, has short hair and is wearing gray shorts, a gray and white shirt with a black life vest over the shirt. He has black water shoes on and is gripping the handlebars of the personal watercraft. The personal watercraft or jet ski is in the air moving in a leftward direction. The personal watercraft is white with a navy blue or purple seat and fairings and black handlebars.

Learn About Florida Personal Watercraft (PWC) Insurance

In Florida, if you keep your boat at a local marina or boatyard they may require you to carry boat insurance. But, what about all those private lakes around our state? Many of our clients tell us “I live on a private lake, I don’t have to have insurance on my jet skis/boats”. It is […]

Image of a man driving a gray medium sized car. The man is wearing a light gray tshirt, black sunglasses and a watch. The road in front of him is visible. He is driving on a rural road with hills and grass visible to his right and houses in the distance ahead of a curve in the road.

Do you need to buy rental car insurance?

Maybe you have been in the same situation. Your flight just landed, you have picked up your luggage and now you are at the rental car counter. You are tired from the flight and already thinking about ordering room service at the hotel when you are asked, “Would you like insurance with your rental car?” […]

Cybersecurity Insurance: Are small businesses vulnerable to hacking?

A data breach is nothing to joke about. According to the Ponemon Institute’s Cost of Data Breach Survey, the average organizational cost of a data breach was $3.8 million in 2019. Imagine the damages a data breach could cause a business, especially a small business. It is a common misconception that small businesses will never […]

Graph depicting a jagged downward facing arrow on top of a picture of one dollar bills that are centered in a grid of gray blocks

The Florida Home Insurance Market is in Crisis

The Florida home insurance market has finally reached its breaking point. After many years of warning, the market has started to take a turn for the worst. It is a complicated issue with many moving parts. To make the best insurance decisions for you, we want to ensure you are informed about the current situation. […]

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